Upload shipment details to receive a tracking number & to print documentation/labels.
POST /shipments
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
ThirdPartyToken | string | Account Token. | Optional |
SenderDetails | Object reference SenderDetails | Sender information. | Mandatory |
ReceiverDetails | Object reference ReceiverDetails | Receiver information. | Mandatory |
PackageDetails | Object reference PackageDetails | Package information. | Mandatory |
PickupDetails | Object reference PickupDetails | Pickup information. | Mandatory |
IntegrationData | Additional information object | Additional information required by certain integrations only. | Mandatory |
Name | Type | Description | Attributes | Length |
SenderName | string | Sender name. | Mandatory | 40 |
SenderCompanyName | string | Sender company name. | Mandatory | 100 |
SenderCountryCode | string | Sender country in ISO Alpha-2 code. | Mandatory | 2 |
SenderAdd1 | string | Sender address line 1. | Mandatory | 75 |
SenderAdd2 | string | Sender address line 2. | Optional | 75 |
SenderAdd3 | string | Sender address line 3. | Optional | 75 |
SenderAddCity | string | Sender suburb (or city name if suburb is unavailable). | Mandatory | 50 |
SenderAddState | string | Sender state. | Optional | 50 |
SenderAddPostcode | string | Sender postcode. | Mandatory | 50 |
SenderPhone | string | Sender phone number. | Mandatory | 20 |
SenderEmail | string | Sender email address. | Optional | 200 |
SenderFax | string | Sender fax number. | Optional | 20 |
SenderKycType | string | Sender KYC document type. eg. Passport | Optional | 200 |
SenderKycNumber | string | Sender KYC document number. | Optional | 200 |
SenderReceivingCountryTaxID | string | Sender Receiving Country Tax ID | Optional | 100 |
SenderAddressGeoLat | number 2 | Sender Address Latitude | Optional | |
SenderAddressGeoLng | number 2 | Sender Address Longitude | Optional | |
SenderTaxID | string | Sender Tax ID | Optional | 50 |
Name | Type | Description | Attributes | Length |
ReceiverName | string | Receiver name. | Mandatory | 40 |
ReceiverCompanyName | string | Receiver company name. | Mandatory | 100 |
ReceiverCountryCode | string | Receiver country in ISO Alpha-2 code. | Mandatory | 2 |
ReceiverAdd1 | string | Receiver address line 1. | Mandatory | 75 |
ReceiverAdd2 | string | Receiver address line 2. | Optional | 75 |
ReceiverAdd3 | string | Receiver address line 3. | Optional | 75 |
ReceiverAddCity | string | Receiver suburb (or city if suburb is unavailable). | Mandatory | 50 |
ReceiverAddState | string | Receiver state. | Optional | 50 |
ReceiverAddPostcode | string | Receiver postcode. | Mandatory | 50 |
ReceiverMobile | string | Receiver mobile number. | Optional | 20 |
ReceiverPhone | string | Receiver phone number. | Mandatory | 20 |
ReceiverEmail | string | Receiver email address. | Optional | 200 |
ReceiverAddResidential | string | Receiver residential. N - No, Y - Yes | Optional | 1 |
ReceiverFax | string | Receiver fax number. | Optional | 20 |
ReceiverKycType | string | Receiver KYC document type. eg. Passport | Optional | 200 |
ReceiverKycNumber | string | Receiver KYC document number. | Optional | 200 |
ReceiverAddressGeoLat | number 2 | Receiver Address Latitude | Optional | |
ReceiverAddressGeoLng | number 2 | Receiver Address Longitude | Optional |
Name | Type | Description | Attributes | Length |
GoodsDescription | string | Goods description. | Optional | 200 |
CustomValue | number ¹ | Customs value. | Mandatory | |
CustomCurrencyCode | string | Customs currency in ISO 4217 3-Letter code. | Mandatory | 3 |
InsuranceValue | number ¹ | Insurance value. | Optional | |
InsuranceCurrencyCode | string | Insurance currency in ISO 4217 3-Letter code. | Optional | 3 |
ShipmentTerm | string | Shipment terms. DDU,DDP | Optional | 3 |
GoodsOriginCountryCode | string | Goods origin country in ISO Alpha-2 code. | Mandatory | 2 |
DeliveryInstructions | string | Delivery instructions. | Optional | 200 |
Weight | number ¹ | Charged weight value. | Mandatory | |
WeightMeasurement | string | Weight units. G,KG,LBS | Mandatory | 3 |
NoOfItems | number ¹ | Number of items. Default: 1 | Mandatory | |
CubicL | number ¹ | Cubic length value. | Mandatory | |
CubicW | number ¹ | Cubic width value. | Mandatory | |
CubicH | number ¹ | Cubic height value. | Mandatory | |
CubicWeight | number ¹ | Cubic weight value. | Mandatory | |
ServiceTypeName | string | Service type code. | Mandatory | 10 |
BookPickUP | boolean | Book a pickup. true,false | Optional | |
AlternateRef | string | Alternate reference number. | Optional | 50 |
SenderRef1 | string | Sender reference number 1. | Optional | 50 |
SenderRef2 | string | Sender reference number 2. | Optional | 50 |
SenderRef3 | string | Sender reference number 3. | Optional | 50 |
ShipmentResponseItem | array of ShipmentResponseItem | A list shipment items. | Optional | |
CODAmount | number ¹ | COD value. | Optional | |
CODCurrencyCode | string | COD currency in ISO 4217 3-Letter code. | Optional | 3 |
Bag | number ¹ | Number of bag. Default: 0 | Optional | |
Notes | string | Shipment notes. | Optional | 200 |
OriginLocCode | string | Origin location in International Air Transport Association (IATA) code. | Optional | 5 |
BagNumber | string | Bag reference number in which shipment is placed. | Optional | 10 |
DeadWeight | number ¹ | Actual weight value. | Mandatory | |
ReasonExport | string | Reason for export. | Optional | 200 |
DestTaxes | number ¹ | Destination tax value. | Optional | 50 |
Security | number ¹ | Security value. | Optional | |
Surcharge | number ¹ | Surcharge value. | Optional | |
ReceiverTaxID | string | Receiver tax ID. | Optional | 50 |
Incoterms | string | Package incoterms. CIF,CFR,FOB | Optional | 3 |
ClearanceReference | string | Import Export Code. | Optional | 20 |
DeliveryAgentCode | string | Delivery Agent Code | Optional | 20 |
DeliveryRouteCode | string | Delivery Route Code | Optional | 100 |
CPCCode | string | CPC Code | Optional | 50 |
SKUNumber | string | SKU Number | Optional | 50 |
ATENumber | string | ATE Number | Optional | 50 |
ProductURL | string | Product URL | Optional | 200 |
GoodsValue | number ¹ | Goods Value | Optional | |
GoodsCurrencyCode | string | Goods Currency Code | Optional | 3 |
DutyValue | number ¹ | Duty Value | Optional | |
DutyCurrencyCode | string | Duty Currency Code | Optional | 3 |
EORINumber | string | EOR Number | Optional | 50 |
HarmonisedCode | string | Harmonised Code | Optional | 50 |
TotalGSTAmount | number ¹ | GST Value | Optional | |
TotalGSTCurrencyCode | string | GST Currency Code | Optional | 3 |
FreightCost | number ¹ | Freight Cost | Optional | |
FreightCostCurrencyCode | string | Freight Currency Code | Optional | 3 |
BusinessType | string | Business Type. Options ('B2C', 'B2B', 'C2C') | Optional | 20 |
Name | Type | Description | Attributes | Length |
ReadyTime | string | Pickup ready time in country local time zone. Format: yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss | Optional | 19 |
CloseTime | string | Pickup close time in country local time zone. Format: yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss | Optional | 19 |
SpecialInstructions | string | Special instructions. | Optional | 200 |
Address1 | string | Pickup address line 1 | Optional | 75 |
Address2 | string | Pickup address line 2 | Optional | 75 |
Address3 | string | Pickup address line 3 | Optional | 75 |
AddressState | string | Pickup state | Optional | 50 |
AddressCity | string | Pickup city | Optional | 50 |
AddressPostalCode | string | Pickup postcode | Optional | 50 |
AddressCountryCode | string | Pickup country in ISO Alpha-2 code | Optional | 2 |
CashValue | number ¹ | Cash collected | Optional |
Name | Type | Description | Attributes | Length |
ItemAlt | string | Alternate reference. | Optional | 50 |
ItemNoOfPcs | number ¹ | Number of piece. Default: 1 | Optional | |
ItemCubicL | number ¹ | Cubic length value in cm. | Mandatory | |
ItemCubicW | number ¹ | Cubic width value in cm. | Mandatory | |
ItemCubicH | number ¹ | Cubic height value in cm. | Mandatory | |
ItemWeight | number ¹ | Weight value. | Mandatory | |
ItemCubicWeight | number ¹ | Cubic weight value. | Mandatory | |
ItemDescription | string | Description. | Optional | 255 |
ItemCustomValue | number ¹ | Customs value. | Mandatory | |
ItemCustomCurrencyCode | string | Customs currency in ISO 4217 3-Letter code. | Mandatory | 3 |
Notes | string | Item notes. | Mandatory | 255 |
Pieces | array of Pieces | A list pieces. | Optional | |
ItemHarmonisedCode | string | Harmonised code | Optional | 50 |
ItemDeadWeight | number | Item Dead Weight | Mandatory | |
ItemGoodsOriginCountryCode | string | Origin Country Code | Mandatory | 2 |
Name | Type | Description | Attributes | Length |
Weight | number ¹ | Total Weight at Piece level | Mandatory | |
Quantity | number ¹ | Number of pieces.Default: 1 | Optional | |
HarmonisedCode | string | Harmonised code. | Optional | 30 |
GoodsDescription | string | Description. | Optional | 255 |
Content | string | Content of the item. | Optional | 255 |
Notes | string | Item notes. | Optional | 255 |
SenderRef1 | string | Reference number. | Optional | 50 |
ManufactureCountryCode | string | Manufacture country code in ISO Alpha-2 code. | Mandatory | 2 |
OriginCountryCode | string | Origin country code in ISO Alpha-2 code. | Mandatory | 2 |
CurrencyCode | string | Customs currency in ISO 4217 3-Letter code. | Mandatory | 3 |
CustomsValue | number ¹ | Total Customs Value at Piece level | Mandatory | |
DeadWeight | number | Total Dead Weight at Piece level | Mandatory | |
Reference | string | Piece Ref or SKU Number | Mandatory | 30 |
ATENumber | string | ATE Number | Optional | 100 |
CPCCode | string | CPC Code | Optional | 100 |
ProductURL | string | Product URL | Optional | 1000 |
GoodsValue | number ¹ | Goods Value | Optional | |
GoodsCurrencyCode | string | Goods Currency Code | Optional | 3 |
DutyValue | number ¹ | Duty Value | Optional | |
DutyCurrencyCode | string | DutyCurrencyCode | Optional | 3 |
GSTValue | number ¹ | GST Value | Optional | |
GSTCurrencyCode | string | GST Currency Code | Optional | 3 |
Array of Shipment Response
Name | Type | Description |
ShipmentNumber | string | Shipment Number. |
SenderRef | string | Sender reference number. |
JobRef | number | Job reference number. Applicable if BookPickup set to true |
AccessID | string | N/A |
AcccountCode | string | Account code. |
LabelURL | string | Label URL. |
ErrMessage | string | Error message. |
AlternateRef | string | Alternate Reference |
AdditionalLabel | array of AdditionalLabel | A list of Additional Label |
Name | Type | Description |
LabelName | string | Label Name |
LabelFormat | string | Label format. Eg:PDF |
LabelURL | string | Label URL |
¹ Refer Notes section for required format.
"SenderDetails": {
"SenderName": "John",
"SenderCompanyName": "ABC Pte Ltd",
"SenderCountryCode": "SG",
"SenderAdd1": "338D King George's Avenue",
"SenderAdd2": "King George Building",
"SenderAdd3": "",
"SenderAddCity": "",
"SenderAddState": "",
"SenderAddPostcode": "208573",
"SenderPhone": "99999999",
"SenderEmail": "abc@abc.com",
"SenderFax": "",
"ReceiverDetails": {
"ReceiverName": "May",
"ReceiverCompanyName": "ABC Pte Ltd",
"ReceiverCountryCode": "MY",
"ReceiverAdd1": "Avenue Business Centre",
"ReceiverAdd2": "Suite 6.1",
"ReceiverAdd3": "",
"ReceiverAddCity": "Puchong",
"ReceiverAddState": "Selangor",
"ReceiverAddPostcode": "123456",
"ReceiverMobile": "01699999999",
"ReceiverPhone": "0399999999",
"ReceiverEmail": "abc@abc.com",
"ReceiverAddResidential": "N",
"ReceiverFax": "",
"PackageDetails": {
"GoodsDescription": "a box of shirts",
"CustomValue": 3.00,
"CustomCurrencyCode": "SGD",
"InsuranceValue": "0.00",
"InsuranceCurrencyCode": "SGD",
"ShipmentTerm": "",
"GoodsOriginCountryCode": "SG",
"DeliveryInstructions": "fragile shipment. please take care.",
"Weight": 3,
"WeightMeasurement": "KG",
"NoOfItems": 1,
"CubicL": 3,
"CubicW": 3,
"CubicH": 3,
"CubicWeight": 0.0,
"ServiceTypeName": "EN",
"BookPickUP": false,
"AlternateRef": "",
"SenderRef1": "test shipment",
"SenderRef2": "",
"SenderRef3": "",
"DeliveryAgentCode": "",
"DeliveryRouteCode": "",
"BusinessType": "B2B",
"ShipmentResponseItem": [{
"ItemAlt": "",
"ItemNoOfPcs": 1,
"ItemCubicL": 3,
"ItemCubicW": 3,
"ItemCubicH": 3,
"ItemWeight": 3,
"ItemCubicWeight": 0,
"ItemDescription": "document",
"ItemCustomValue": 3.00,
"ItemCustomCurrencyCode": "SGD",
"Notes": "item notes",
"Notes": "shirts",
"SenderRef1":"ref #001",
"CODAmount": 0.0,
"CODCurrencyCode": "SGD",
"Bag": 0,
"Notes": "this is sample notes",
"OriginLocCode": "",
"BagNumber": 0,
"DeadWeight": 3,
"ReasonExport": "",
"DestTaxes": 0.0,
"Security": 0.0,
"Surcharge": 0.0,
"ReceiverTaxID": "",
"OrderNumber": "",
"PickupDetails": {
"ReadyTime": "2019/03/12 12:00:00",
"CloseTime": "2019/03/12 15:00:00",
"SpecialInstructions": "test",
"Address1": "address 1",
"Address2": "address 2",
"Address3": "address 3",
"AddressState": "Singapore",
"AddressCity": "Singapore",
"AddressPostalCode": "208573",
"AddressCountryCode": "SG"
"ShipmentNumber": "CT1294823210",
"AlternateRef": "123456789",
"SenderRef": "test shipment",
"JobRef": "-4391",
"AccessID": "",
"AcccountCode": "",
"LabelURL": "https://ws01.ffdx.net/v11/printdoc/docConnoteStyle2.aspx?accessid=TEST&shipno=CT1294823210&format=pdf",
"ErrMessage": "",
"AdditionalLabel": [{
"LabelName": "",
"LabelFormat": "",
"LabelURL": ""